Python, Splunk and Endpoint Data (1st in a Series)

This is a first of a series of articles exploring the use of Python to search Splunk and add levels of automation to the resulting data analysis. Splunk not only provides a RESTful API for web services, it also provides an SDK–meaning that implementation components are provided to make programming straight-forward. Splunk Docs also contains many good code examples to get programmers off to a running start.

Let’s start by getting our code connected to Splunk with a simple connection class. From there we will move on to installing Sysinternal’s SysMon utility and implementing simple searches of Sysmon-based logs, and then finally to some automation routines on large result sets. It may also be instructive to consider how one might implement some behavior-based detection and analysis on Sysmon datasets.

There are quite a few examples floating around of connecting to Splunk with Python using the SDK’s connect routine–including in the Splunk Docs. As simple an exercise as this is, in some cases the examples are incomplete and missing a few steps, or I otherwise could not always make the Splunk Docs code work (e.g. reading a credentials file with the code in Splunk Docs seems not functional). Hence, it was simpler just to write a classful implementation as a starting point.

Below is a connection class that works with my Anaconda Python v3 after having used the pip utility to install the SDK. For ease of development, it uses a splunkrc file with name value pairs including username, host, password. I will show how you might implement credentials in production more safely in a later entry. By the way, standard disclaimer: don’t try any of this in production until you thoroughly understand, experiment and test the code and configuration in your dev environment.

How to Use

  • The first step is to install the SDK, I suggest using pip. Find the detailed instructions here.
  • Install the class in a file called in the same dir as the driver code mentioned next. Otherwise edit the driver to refer to the correct module to import.
  • place a .splunkrc in the same dir you are running the code from with the directions to your instance

A simple Connection Class

import splunklib.client as splunkclient

class SplunkConnection:
    DEBUG = False

    def __init__(self):
        'create a Splunk service instance and log in'
        self.service = ""
        self.kwargs = self.get_credentials_from_rc()
        if self.DEBUG:
            print (self.kwargs)
        # connect requires keywords not positional args
        self.service = splunkclient.connect(**self.kwargs)
        if self.DEBUG:
            print ('service: ' , self.service)

    def get_credentials_from_rc(self):
        'read connection parameters from an rc file'
        '''to use: create a splunkrc file that has username, host, etc:
           username = somename
           host = myhost
           password = somepass
        kwargs = {}
        with open(".splunkrc") as myfile:
            for line in myfile:
                name, var = line.partition("=")[::2]
                # by convention python comm likes to use kwargs as the
                # name of key word sweeper dictionary
                kwargs[name] = var.rstrip()
        return kwargs

    def get_app_names(self):
        'print installed apps to the console to verify login'
        app_list = []
        for app in self.service.apps:
        return app_list

Now you simply need a driver or wrapper for this connection class to test it out. Here is some simple code to get started: printing out the installed apps is a basic exercise that the Splunk Docs sites used to demonstrate successful connection.

from splunk_connect import SplunkConnection

def main():
    sc = SplunkConnection()
    app_name_list = sc.get_app_names()
    for app_name in app_name_list:
        print( app_name)

if name == 'main':

This is a start, but doesn’t provide anything particularly useful as of yet. Before implementing a Splunk Search Class, let’s install a utility that will prove invaluable for generating endpoint security data for analysis: Microsoft SysInternal’s Sysmon utility is both free and incredibly useful. There are plenty of information sources on how to install and filter Sysmon . Here are two of note:

Review both of these sites to learn more about configuring your endpoints with Sysmon for forwarding data in a CIM-searchable manner to Splunk. The emphasis here is not to repeat a lot of material readily available on the web, but to get beyond the threshold of automating analysis on large blocks of data.

Although installing Sysmon and the Sysmon TAC are simple, I am likely understating the task of tuning Sysmon with a config file. The Swift on Security XML filter will do that, but it deserves some study and will be an area of ongoing work for an Enterprise that wants to effectively operationalize Sysmon feeds into Splunk. It’s the age-old signal in the noise challenge.

Moving forward, let’s develop a straight-forward Search class and driver so we can get access to real data.

import splunklib.results as results

class SplunkSearch:
    DEBUG = True

    def __init__(self,service):
        'create a Splunk service instance and log in'
        self.job = '' =

    def set_blocking_search(self,query, num_results):
        'place a blocking search on jobs collection'
        # num results can be 0 for no limit, or limited by num_results

        if num_results == 0:
            search = query
            search = query + ' | head ' + str(num_results)

        if self.DEBUG:
            print ('Query: ', search)

        kwargs = {"exec_mode": "blocking"}
        self.job =, **kwargs)

    def set_search(self,num_results):

    def get_search_results(self):
        rr = results.ResultsReader(self.job.results())
        return rr

Now augment the previous driver to exercise this search object. It would be simple to build a constructor that takes everything including type of search (e.g. blocking, non-blocking, number of results, index, …). In fact, with a bit of extra effort one can create a GUI interfaces in Python: this would present a Threat Hunter with a form to automate a Sysmon search and perform hash submissions to VirusTotal and/or IP analysis sites. It will also be possible to embed these types of functionality directly into Splunk so that one never needs to leave the Splunk Web Interface. For now, though, we will keep the Python code as stand-alone from the Web Interface.

from splunk_connect import SplunkConnection
from splunk_search import SplunkSearch

def main():
    sc = SplunkConnection()
    app_name_list = sc.get_app_names()
    for app_name in app_name_list:
        print( app_name)

    # run a search
    ss = SplunkSearch(sc.service)
    # define the search in SPL
    query = 'search source="WinEventLog:Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational"'
    # limit to 10 results (just for demo speed) and set the search
    # display the results
    for result in ss.get_search_results():
        print (result)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Running this provides a glimpse into where these techniques can become useful: we can see real process data including parent processes, hashes, etc. If you use the -n option for starting Sysmon, you also get network information. It’s not hard to see how we can move this forward into a vehicle for everything from alert-based whitelisting to automated uploads to VirusTotal. Here is the result on my test dev system. We can work on formatting it into a nicer display and sending it to useful places for analysis in the next article.

Sysmon output to Splunk

The Jupyter Notebook and supporting classes are available on github.

Contrasting AI And Data science

The title of this blog is Security Informatics, and one of the most frequent questions is: what is that, exactly? I use Informatics to span pretty much anything data analysis related: X-Informatics is the general study of Data Science and its applications. I’m not sure how helpful such a statement is, though. Relevant examples would likely work better. The second most frequent question I hear is: what do you think of all this new AI/ML technology in security tools? I think you start by understanding the concepts and vocabulary, and next understanding how applying the concepts can solve problems you are having.

David Robinson, Chief Data Scientist at DataCamp, participated in a panel discussion at SXSW where he discussed ways of talking about Data Science with management, including examples: he has a nice blog article along the same lines that does a nice job of describing and distinguishing AI, DS, and ML:

  • Data Science produces insights
  • Machine Learning produces predictions
  • Artificial Intelligence produces actions

I recommend taking a look at his article and the ensuing discussion as it’s a useful way of talking about these things with managers and executives. Of course, there is no widespread agreement on what is AI versus what is ML: a popular contrasting point of view is that ML is simply a category of AI.

In the context of Security Informatics, these distinctions are useful to think about and to be able to relate to others because so many tools claim to incorporate AI or ML capability. There is a growing sense that traditional security–rules based security–has reached a plateau. Kevin Skapinetz of IBM Security articulates this precisely in his video on AI in Cyber Security.

Kevin’s example: Chemical sniffing dogs are great for chemical threats that we know about, that they have been trained and validated on. How about when the threat landscape changes so rapidly that one can’t catalog or ‘train’ all the threats, and instead must rely on a massive aggregate of signals and data to extract and detect threats.

This might be the beginning of a guiding principle on how to assess the value of next-generation security tools that claim AI/ML. What can you no longer reliably do under the old paradigms (e.g. instincts, rule-based, training-based, …) –what problems are emerging? How does the new AI or ML equipped tool handle the problem and bridge the gap? Having answered that for yourself, the next step is to relate it in a meaningful way up the organization.